Questions? [email protected]

Hotels sale in Portland (7 object) - $1,642,500

Hotels sale in Syracuse (8 object) - $2,089,260

Hotels sale in Buffalo (8 object) - $2,207,520

Hotels sale in Boston (6 object) - $1,191,360

Hotels sale in Chicago (8 object) - $2,047,650

Hotels sale in Cleveland (7 object) - $919,800

Hotels sale in Philadelphia (5 object) - $3,385,375

Hotels sale in Reading (1 object) - $3,228,425

Hotels sale in Harrisburg (8 object) - $3,704,750

Hotels sale in Richmond (2 object) - $2,567,775

Hotels sale in New Orleans (8 object) - $1,277,500

Hotels sale in Manchester (8 object) - $1,681,920

Hotels sale in Milwaukee (7 object) - $1,565,850

Hotels sale in Cincinnati (6 object) - $1,686,300

Hotels sale in Detroit (5 object) - $2,054,220

Hotels sale in Bridgeport (6 object) - $2,163,720

Hotels sale in New Haven (5 object) - $1,204,500

Hotels sale in Washington (8 object) - $3,521,520

Hotels sale in Charleston (7 object) - $903,375

Hotels sale in Birmingham (5 object) - $1,614,030

Hotels sale in Durham (8 object) - $1,396,125

$2,312 per m2

Hotels sale in Atlanta (5 object) - $1,489,200

Hotels sale in Jacksonville (5 object) - $2,299,500

Hotels sale in Jacksonville (5 object) - $2,299,500

Hotels sale in Panama City (5 object) - $1,068,720

Hotels sale in Orlando (7 object) - $1,662,210

Hotels sale in Kissimmee (7 object) - $3,679,200

Hotels sale in Cape Coral (5 object) - $2,045,825

Hotels sale in Miami (7 object) - $1,806,750

$1,817 per m2
$2,132 per m2

Hotels sale in Charleston (7 object) - $903,375

Hotels sale in Memphis (7 object) - $876,000

Hotels sale in Tampa (7 object) - $2,184,525

$1,886 per m2
$2,030 per m2

Hotels sale in Denver (8 object) - $1,860,040

Hotels sale in Denton (7 object) - $1,622,790

Hotels sale in Dallas (8 object) - $2,579,820

Hotels sale in Austin (5 object) - $2,409,000

Hotels sale in Portland (7 object) - $1,642,500

Hotels sale in Provo (5 object) - $1,613,300

$1,856 per m2

Hotels sale in Richmond (2 object) - $2,567,775

Hotels sale in Los Angeles (5 object) - $2,414,475

Hotels sale in Houston (6 object) - $3,832,500

Hotels sale in McAllen (8 object) - $1,410,360

Hotels sale in Seattle (8 object) - $1,773,900

Hotels sale in Salt Lake City (7 object) - $1,308,160

Hotels sale in Sacramento (8 object) - $1,708,200

Hotels sale in San Francisco (7 object) - $2,026,115

Hotels sale in San Jose (14 object) - $1,697,250

Hotels sale in Soledad (5 object) - $1,333,710

Hotels sale in San Diego (8 object) - $1,399,775

Hotels sale in Tucson (6 object) - $1,084,050

Hotels sale in San Antonio (5 object) - $2,325,780

Hotels sale in El Paso (6 object) - $1,638,120

Hotels sale in Athens (7 object) - $1,733,750

$1,334 per m2

Hotels sale in Indianapolis (8 object) - $3,191,925

Hotels sale in Bronx (6 object) - $985,500

$1,713 per m2
$2,135 per m2

Hotels sale in Manhattan (8 object) - $1,423,500

Hotels sale in Queens (6 object) - $1,304,875

$1,938 per m2

Hotels sale in New York (7 object) - $2,434,550

Hotels sale in Brooklyn (5 object) - $2,233,800

Hotels sale in Nashville (5 object) - $1,563,660

Hotels sale in Kingston (7 object) - $1,430,800

Hotels sale in Bristol (5 object) - $1,788,500

Hotels sale in Bogota (7 object) - $2,476,525

$1,533 per m2

Hotels sale in Portsmouth (8 object) - $1,971,000

Hotels sale in Portsmouth (8 object) - $1,971,000

Hotels sale in Melbourne (6 object) - $1,923,550

Hotels sale in Cleveland (7 object) - $919,800

Hotels sale in Bristol (5 object) - $1,788,500

Hotels sale in Rome (8 object) - $1,762,950

$2,319 per m2
$1,533 per m2

Hotels sale in Dublin (8 object) - $1,478,250

$2,098 per m2
$2,001 per m2

Hotels sale in Bristol (5 object) - $1,788,500

Hotels sale in Manchester (8 object) - $1,681,920

Hotels sale in Manhattan (8 object) - $1,423,500

Hotels sale in Kingston (7 object) - $1,430,800

Hotels sale in Dublin (8 object) - $1,478,250

$2,098 per m2
$2,001 per m2

Hotels sale in Manchester (8 object) - $1,681,920

Hotels sale in Richmond (2 object) - $2,567,775

Hotels sale in Brighton (7 object) - $919,800

Hotels sale in Richmond (2 object) - $2,567,775

Hotels sale in London (5 object) - $1,737,400

Hotels sale in Brighton (7 object) - $919,800

Hotels sale in Portsmouth (8 object) - $1,971,000

Hotels sale in Coventry (7 object) - $1,576,800

Hotels sale in Valparaiso (7 object) - $1,241,730

Hotels sale in Warsaw (5 object) - $2,411,920

$2,705 per m2

Hotels sale in Rome (8 object) - $1,762,950

$2,319 per m2
$1,533 per m2

Hotels sale in Athens (7 object) - $1,733,750

$1,334 per m2

Hotels sale in Syracuse (8 object) - $2,089,260

Hotels sale in Athens (7 object) - $1,733,750

$1,334 per m2

Hotels sale in Jacksonville (5 object) - $2,299,500

Hotels sale in Washington (8 object) - $3,521,520

Hotels sale in Paris (5 object) - $1,470,950

$1,474 per m2

Hotels sale in Reading (1 object) - $3,228,425

Hotels sale in Austin (5 object) - $2,409,000

Hotels sale in Bristol (5 object) - $1,788,500

Hotels sale in Naples (5 object) - $759,200

Hotels sale in Jacksonville (5 object) - $2,299,500

Hotels sale in Amsterdam (7 object) - $1,518,400

Hotels sale in Birmingham (5 object) - $1,614,030

Hotels sale in Charleston (7 object) - $903,375

Hotels sale in Dublin (8 object) - $1,478,250

$2,098 per m2
$2,001 per m2

Hotels sale in Ottawa (5 object) - $2,308,625

Hotels sale in Manchester (8 object) - $1,681,920

Hotels sale in Portsmouth (8 object) - $1,971,000

Hotels sale in Portland (7 object) - $1,642,500

Hotels sale in Dallas (8 object) - $2,579,820

Hotels sale in Washington (8 object) - $3,521,520

Hotels sale in Bristol (5 object) - $1,788,500

Hotels sale in Buffalo (8 object) - $2,207,520

Hotels sale in Athens (7 object) - $1,733,750

$1,334 per m2

Hotels sale in Durham (8 object) - $1,396,125

$2,312 per m2

Hotels sale in Washington (8 object) - $3,521,520

Hotels sale in Belgrade (7 object) - $1,587,750

Hotels sale in Harrisburg (8 object) - $3,704,750

Hotels sale in Miami (7 object) - $1,806,750

$1,817 per m2
$2,132 per m2

Hotels sale in New Haven (5 object) - $1,204,500

Hotels sale in Washington (8 object) - $3,521,520

Hotels sale in Glasgow (6 object) - $1,314,000

Hotels sale in Cleveland (7 object) - $919,800

Hotels sale in London (5 object) - $1,737,400

Hotels sale in Jacksonville (5 object) - $2,299,500

Hotels sale in Washington (8 object) - $3,521,520

Hotels sale in Glasgow (6 object) - $1,314,000

Hotels sale in Washington (8 object) - $3,521,520

Hotels sale in Dallas (8 object) - $2,579,820

Hotels sale in Kingston (7 object) - $1,430,800

Hotels sale in Washington (8 object) - $3,521,520

Hotels sale in Paris (5 object) - $1,470,950

$1,474 per m2

Hotels sale in Jacksonville (5 object) - $2,299,500

Hotels sale in Coventry (7 object) - $1,576,800

Hotels sale in Athens (7 object) - $1,733,750

$1,334 per m2

Hotels sale in Ottawa (5 object) - $2,308,625

Hotels sale in Richmond (2 object) - $2,567,775

Hotels sale in Leeds (5 object) - $3,066,000

$2,207 per m2
$1,848 per m2

Hotels sale in Portland (7 object) - $1,642,500

Hotels sale in Manchester (8 object) - $1,681,920

Hotels sale in Delhi (5 object) - $1,576,800

Hotels sale in Leicester (6 object) - $1,456,350

Hotels sale in Manchester (8 object) - $1,681,920

Hotels sale in Brooklyn (5 object) - $2,233,800

Hotels sale in Paris (5 object) - $1,470,950

$1,474 per m2

Hotels sale in Cleveland (7 object) - $919,800

Hotels sale in Southampton (7 object) - $3,530,280

Hotels sale in Reading (1 object) - $3,228,425

Hotels sale in Cairo (7 object) - $1,304,875

$1,679 per m2

Hotels sale in Harrisburg (8 object) - $3,704,750

Hotels sale in Sheffield (8 object) - $2,146,200

Hotels sale in Memphis (7 object) - $876,000

Hotels sale in Stuttgart (8 object) - $2,128,680

Hotels sale in Bridgeport (6 object) - $2,163,720

Hotels sale in Paris (5 object) - $1,470,950

$1,474 per m2

Hotels sale in Milan (6 object) - $2,866,710

$1,784 per m2
$2,535 per m2

Hotels sale in Manhattan (8 object) - $1,423,500

Hotels sale in Brighton (7 object) - $919,800

Hotels sale in Philadelphia (5 object) - $3,385,375

Hotels sale in Milan (6 object) - $2,866,710

$1,784 per m2
$2,535 per m2

Hotels sale in Syracuse (8 object) - $2,089,260

Hotels sale in Kingston (7 object) - $1,430,800

Hotels sale in Washington (8 object) - $3,521,520

Hotels sale in Bremen (7 object) - $2,047,650

Hotels sale in Bridgeport (6 object) - $2,163,720

Hotels sale in Richmond (2 object) - $2,567,775

Hotels sale in Bridgeport (6 object) - $2,163,720

Hotels sale in Portland (7 object) - $1,642,500

Hotels sale in Kingston (7 object) - $1,430,800

Hotels sale in Charleston (7 object) - $903,375

Hotels sale in Nashville (5 object) - $1,563,660

Hotels sale in Manchester (8 object) - $1,681,920

Hotels sale in Lisbon (8 object) - $2,038,890

Hotels sale in Manchester (8 object) - $1,681,920

Hotels sale in Richmond (2 object) - $2,567,775

Hotels sale in Ottawa (5 object) - $2,308,625

Hotels sale in Montevideo (6 object) - $1,033,680

Hotels sale in Portland (7 object) - $1,642,500

Hotels sale in Milan (6 object) - $2,866,710

$1,784 per m2
$2,535 per m2

Hotels sale in Cleveland (7 object) - $919,800

Hotels sale in Portland (7 object) - $1,642,500

Hotels sale in Lisbon (8 object) - $2,038,890

Hotels sale in Brooklyn (5 object) - $2,233,800

Hotels sale in Boston (6 object) - $1,191,360

Hotels sale in Richmond (2 object) - $2,567,775

Hotels sale in Durham (8 object) - $1,396,125

$2,312 per m2

Hotels sale in Cairo (7 object) - $1,304,875

$1,679 per m2

Hotels sale in Kingston (7 object) - $1,430,800

Hotels sale in Southampton (7 object) - $3,530,280

Hotels sale in Durham (8 object) - $1,396,125

$2,312 per m2

Hotels sale in Palermo (5 object) - $2,200,950

Hotels sale in Riga (5 object) - $985,500

$2,445 per m2
$1,938 per m2

Hotels sale in Atlanta (5 object) - $1,489,200

Hotels sale in Paris (5 object) - $1,470,950

$1,474 per m2

Hotels sale in Bristol (5 object) - $1,788,500

Hotels sale in Manchester (8 object) - $1,681,920

Hotels for Sale in United States

The United States is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, making it a prime location for investment in the hospitality industry. With a large number of travelers visiting the country every year, hotels for sale in the United States offer an attractive opportunity for those looking to invest in the travel and tourism industry.

The Growing Demand for Hotel Properties

The demand for hotel properties in the United States has been growing steadily over the past few years. With the rise of travel and tourism, many travelers are looking for comfortable and convenient accommodation options. As a result, there has been a significant increase in the number of hotels being built in the country.

The growing demand for hotel properties has also led to a rise in hotel prices, making it an ideal time for investors to consider purchasing a hotel. Whether you are looking to invest in a hotel for business purposes or for personal use, now is a great time to take advantage of the growing demand for hotel properties in the United States.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Hotel

When considering the purchase of a hotel, there are several important factors to take into consideration. These include the location of the hotel, the size of the hotel, the age of the hotel, and the overall condition of the hotel.

Location is an important factor to consider when buying a hotel. A hotel located in a tourist-friendly area is more likely to attract guests and generate a higher return on investment. The size of the hotel is also important, as larger hotels can accommodate more guests and generate higher revenue.

The age of the hotel is also an important factor to consider when purchasing a hotel. Older hotels may require more maintenance and renovations, which can add to the cost of ownership. On the other hand, newer hotels may be more expensive to purchase but will typically require less maintenance and renovations.

Finally, the overall condition of the hotel is an important factor to consider when purchasing a hotel. A hotel that is well-maintained and in good condition will attract more guests and generate a higher return on investment.

Benefits of Owning a Hotel

There are many benefits to owning a hotel, including a steady stream of income, potential for capital appreciation, and the ability to provide a valuable service to travelers.

One of the biggest benefits of owning a hotel is the steady stream of income it can provide. Hotels typically generate a high volume of revenue, especially during peak tourist seasons. This makes owning a hotel a lucrative investment opportunity.

Additionally, the value of hotel properties tends to appreciate over time, making it a smart investment for those looking to grow their wealth. Owning a hotel also provides the opportunity to provide a valuable service to travelers, helping to make their travels more enjoyable and comfortable.


In conclusion, hotels for sale in the United States offer a great investment opportunity for those looking to invest in the travel and tourism industry. With the growing demand for hotel properties, now is a great time to consider purchasing a hotel. When considering the purchase of a hotel, it is important to consider factors such as location, size, age, and condition of the hotel. The benefits of owning a hotel, including a steady stream of income and potential for capital appreciation, make it a smart investment choice.

Frequently Asked Questions about Hotels for Sale in United States

  1. What is the current demand for hotels in the United States?

The demand for hotels in the United States has been growing steadily over the past few years. With an increasing number of travelers visiting the country, there is a growing demand for comfortable and convenient accommodation options.

  1. What are the factors to consider when buying a hotel in the United States?

When considering the purchase of a hotel in the United States, it is important to consider factors such as location, size, age, and condition of the hotel. The location of the hotel should be in a tourist-friendly area, the size of the hotel should be appropriate for the number of guests it will accommodate, and the age and condition of the hotel should be taken into consideration.

  1. Is owning a hotel in the United States a good investment opportunity?

Yes, owning a hotel in the United States can be a good investment opportunity. With a steady stream of income and potential for capital appreciation, owning a hotel can provide a lucrative investment opportunity.

  1. What are the benefits of owning a hotel in the United States?

The benefits of owning a hotel in the United States include a steady stream of income, potential for capital appreciation, and the ability to provide a valuable service to travelers. Additionally, owning a hotel in the United States can provide a sense of pride and accomplishment in providing a valuable service to travelers.

  1. How do I go about purchasing a hotel in the United States?

Purchasing a hotel in the United States requires a significant investment and should be approached with caution. It is recommended to seek the advice of a financial advisor and a real estate agent who is knowledgeable about the hotel industry. Additionally, it is important to conduct thorough research on the hotel market, the location of the hotel, and the hotel itself before making a purchase.

Our Team

Our experts can help you with your property for purchase or sale
Fynn Harald expert

Fynn Harald

[email protected]

Berlin, Germany

Audley Adrianne expert

Audley Adrianne

[email protected]

Liverpool, UK

Michelle Katheryn expert

Michelle Katheryn

[email protected]

Copenhagen, Denmark

Kevyn Radclyffe expert

Kevyn Radclyffe

[email protected]

Toronto, Canda

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